Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hitting The Radio Waves of Siantar

On Thursday we renewed some friendships from last year and joined Berta for her radio show.
Here we are at the radio station, with Santoli on the left and Augustina and Marnala on the right. Augustina is a student at Nommensen who also works at the radio station. Santoli is a local teacher and photographer who is the DJ for our appearances.

We always enjoy the adventure of visiting the radio station, having Jacob play a few songs, and answering questions from listeners.

It was great to see Santoli and Sinyo again, and to know that the station is continuing with it's mission to provide Christian music during the late afternoon time slot. It has rained almost every afternoon or evening this week, and the downpour started while we were on the radio on Thursday.

Nancy "hams it up" with her noodles and chop sticks. Don't worry, she was only posing for the picture. Nancy  is usually the epitome of proper dining etiquette.
After the radio show we stopped at a nearby noodle shop for our first Chinese noodle dinner of the trip. What a treat that was!

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