Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jacob's New Garden

Jacob has now established garden locations on two continents! Talk about a major expansion. You may recall that he planted his Knoxville garden this spring with the help of our guest from Japan, Mizuki. See our blog "Friedrich Family In America" for details!

Now he has toiled in the rich earth of Indonesia to establish his Siantar plot. With the assistance of Siska, and pretty much the entire Siahan contingent of Lolo, Dippos, Fine, Johannes and Leonni, Jacob planted a wide variety of vegetables and herbs on Sunday evening.

The garden is located next to the Siahan home and canteen, where they serve snacks, drinks and good food to the students of Nommensen.

This crew worked until twilight and then some.

While Jacob supervised the planting, Logo and Dippos manned the machete.
They cut long poles of bamboo into short sections, then from them created stakes. These stakes were used to form a perimeter around the garden, which didn’t look like enough to keep out the geese and the chickens.

Jacob reports that a chicken or two have been smart enough to find
their way through the fence. But the geese remain on the outside. 
What we have learned, however, is that the geese and the chickens aren’t as smart as the varmits in East Tennessee, and a simple series of pickets is just enough to keep them away. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the seeds to germinate, and then to track the growth during July.

The garden contains Pumpkin, squash, peas, basil, cilantro and dill.

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