Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wildlife Update

Wildlife Update Siantar June 2012

I’m sure everyone is waiting impatiently to find out about the wildlife we have experienced in Siantar and here is the summary.
1. the progeny of Boris: no truly large spiders have been sighted, though Jacob did hunt one down in our dining area and sent it to join Boris in that great spider web in the sky,
2. Lizards: none have been spotted inside the house. We wonder about our “friend” of last year, the alpha lizard. There are many small lizards on the ceiling of our porch, but none inside. We imagine they must be hiding in the ceiling and will join us at some point.
3. Nasty scabby dogs: mysteriously the really awful dogs of last year have not been seen. There are some dogs roaming around but they look relatively well cared for.
4. Nasty bobtail cats: one prowls near our porch but only one. A fair trade off for the nasty scabby dog that slept on our porch last year.
5. Geese: the domestic geese that last year were penned up outside the Siahaan’s home/canteen are now roaming freely, though they stick pretty close to home.
6. Chickens/roosters: we don’t understand who owns these chickens, but there are a half dozen roaming around our house. Maybe they belong to Putra, our next door neighbor.

7. Frogs: a countless number of frogs appeared last night (outside, thank goodness!) following the heavy rains of Tuesday night. Some were as big as your fist. Jacob insisted on picking up several.

8. Slugs: yes, I said slugs. We saw many of these last year on the sidewalks. Last night Nancy noticed that one had crawled up through the drain in our bathroom. I am so proud of her, she disposed of it herself!

9. Miscellaneous bugs and ants: in plentiful supply, including mosquitoes following the big rain.
10. Song birds outside our bedroom window: they perform for us every morning, starting at 5, beautiful concert!
11. Monkeys: we only see these when we travel to Lake Toba, I don’t think any live in the city here.
12. Sponge Bob Squarepants: spotted yesterday. That guy is still popular around here, the cartoons must be in heavy play on the satellite feed here.

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