Thursday, July 26, 2012

Farewell Party

These photos are from the closing of our last workshop and our farewell party. To all of our friends in Siantar, this is not goodbye, but "until we meet again".
Here we are at the close of our last workshop on lesson planning and syllabus preparation. We are presented with beautiful souvenir plaques by the new Vice Dean of Nommensen.

This is the group of students and lecturers (university teachers) that joined us for the event. It was different in that teachers and students made the presentations and we just shared comments as the "experts".

Then it was back to the house in a big rush to get on with the farewell party. Jacob had planned a big blowout and everyone in the neighborhood joined us. Singing and dancing played a major role.

Eating was also a major focus. The pancakes I sweated over in the kitchen were a big hit, served with Tennessee honey. To complete the sugar rush, Jacob served brownies and some awesome cake provided by Miss Khim.  Jacob followed that up later with three flavors of jello.

Most of our near and dear friends joined us and that made it really special.

Thank goodness we didn't run out of pancakes until everyone got a taste.

I'm not sure if this was the Macarena or the Hokey Pokey. These followed the limbo, which was also a big hit.

No question about it, this one in the Macarena. Our party included the Panjaitan children, with David and Olivia in the middle of this view.

The party extended well into the night. OK, it was just a little past 7 pm but the sun was setting and it was near that bewitching hour when the microbuses stop running.