Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our Life In Siantar

On Sunday morning we attended church with Hanna and joined the SS class.
These pictures are random so don't try to find a thread connecting them!

Andi brought a gift of Batak hats to our workshop on Saturday.
We enjoyed nasi goreng with Malop and his precious girls Christina and Priscilla on Saturday evening.
Before lunch on Sunday Jacob enjoyed playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with some new friends.
Jacob is working hard to do his summer reading / assignments and also play video games. He has moved an easy chair over to his spot at the dining table.
Indonesians love to sing and a group of male students from the seminary always gathers in the chapel to play the piano and organ and sing during the "tea time" break (held between sessions 2 and 3 every morning).
Here is another view of the seminary students singing during their break.
This deserves it's own blog entry and I will ask Jacob to write it. Jacob is holding the remains of a huge spider he hunted down in his bathroom. Jacob video'd the culmination of the spider's life so stay tuned.
It's always palm oil kernel harvesting time, and these guys with long aluminum poles walk through the neighborhood trimming the palm branches and cutting down the kernels. The poles have a razor sharp curved knife at the end. The guys each carry a big tomahawk hatchet in their back pocket to trim the kernels.
They cut the kernel from the crown of the tree. It falls to the ground with a huge thud. Then the kernel is trimmed with the hatchet, and the helper then sinks the hatchet blade into the kernel so he has a handle to use in carrying it to the big truck.
We have been holding workshops for students in the English department who want to be teachers. Each time it is the same drill...find someone to unlock the library, and then ask for the power to be turned on. Asking permission to use the library is one thing, but having it unlocked and supplied with power is another!