Friday, July 27, 2012

We're On Our Way

It's been a hectic day, with the drive to Medan always taking a bit longer than planned. We were excited to have so many guests stop by to say goodbye as we procrastinated from packing this morning. It was a bonus to get to talk with Maylena at the Medan airport for a few minutes. Thanks to Dean Tagor and Pina for escourting us to the airport.

The Medan airport has not changed. How can an international airport in a city the size of Medan not have flush toilets, and let you leave your computer in your bag during the security check.

We are now at the Singapore airport, living large in the Air Conditioning and beauty. We are not looking forward to getting on our 11 hour flight to Moscow, followed by 11 hours to Houston. Who booked these arrangements? Were they deranged?

We are already missing our friends in Siantar. Our relationships deepened during our six weeks there. Our time flew by and it is hard to believe we are already on our way home. To all our friends, God Bless You!

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