Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday in Siantar with Craig

We had a somewhat quiet Monday with Craig, with no real major workshops or teaching events. It is such a treat to have Craig here and share our lives with him.
Craig enjoyed the tight confines in the banana section of the market.
In the morning we made a quick trip via micro-bus to the market. Since we had a specific shopping list and a somewhat small entourage, we made it there and back in around one hour.
Craig was disappointed that we only bought 10 bananas, not a whole tree full!
Thank goodness Marnala was there to select the perfect pineapple, once again.
We waited at home for Berta to join us at noon, and after that plan change we decided to proceed back downtown to the International Barber Shop. 
Only Jacob got his hair cut, and while that was happening Craig and I went to the Sujauya grocery and clothing store, right next to CFC (California Fried Chicken). We wandered around and I made the mistake of finding a few things to buy, having forgotten about the long ordeal of the checkout process. They may have lower prices, but you suffer for it! 
Check out the noodle masters shirt "adidogs".
We think Aunt Mary Sue would love it!
Then onward to Pansit 55 (our favorite noodle shop of Miss Kihm and family). Craig properly declared the noodles to be the best.

After returning home we finished up our paper for the international seminar on Saturday, where we are speaking and presenting our paper. I hope it is in a good format, we have asked for examples to follow and not received any.

Our plans for the late afternoon were canceled so we worked on our Sunday School Teachers workshops that are Tuesday - Thursday. Jacob went off to plant another garden. The harvest will be plentiful, but Jacob will be on the other side of the world.

We enjoyed a simple dinner of fried eggs sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly. The verdict on the latest round of bread...delicious! Then many people came by to visit and the basketball game got cranked up.
We were excited that Jacob joined the group, and they were kind and wonderful in helping him to develop his game.

It rained for over an hour. Not the end of the world rain we have been having, but a gentle, soaking type. Once everyone cleared out we went for a walk and I sat on the steps of the Mensa building to take advantage of the Internet hotspot (wi-fi) and sent our paper and biographies in for the seminar.

The evening concluded with Miss Kihm and Jimmy (just returned from Medan after taking a big Mardarian test for college entry) stopping by on their motorbike to bring us some delicious pancake/waffle treats. They are difficult to do justice with words, but are thick pancakes, cooked in something like a waffle iron, layered with strawberry sauce, nuts, chocolate, bananas, cream cheese, etc. (pick a few!) and then folded over and cut. They are super rich and super sweet. Thank you Miss Kihm and Jimmy (once again!)

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