Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Under Construction - Workshops and Activities

We have been very busy and will likely not have much time until we reach the airport on Friday so this is a quick post of some of our activities. Blogger is not behaving this morning so imagine these are in a better order.
Nancy and I were invited to join the Rector
from Medan and other celebrities at the head table
at lunch time.

Our neighbor is planting a fence row, one little twig at a time.
It will take three years to grow up and require a lot of watering.
Tall - taller - tallest at the Seminary.
Listening to the Rector from Medan (he's the big boss
of Nommensen) at the appointment ceremony
for the new Vice Dean.

This is our workshop on Monday when over 150 students
 showed up under the mistaken
idea that they were required to be there in
preparation for their student teaching.

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